July 15, 2014

Monsoon Season arrives Early

Yesterday was supposed to be a productive day.  I was supposed to finish cleaning up from our weekend trip, take some things back to friends' houses (that were not taken after a party), and go to bed early knowing I got everything accomplished.

It all started just fine.  I unpacked suitcases, Aaron did some random chores around the house, we started laundry, I made dinner... and just as I was plating dinner, it thundered.  Aaron said (and I quote) "It isn't raining... yet" and walked outside to put the trash out.  By the time he got back inside (it's about 25 steps to our trash bin), it was pouring.  It rained like crazy through dinner and then started lightening and thundering as well.

No big deal.  Just rain.

Then the power went out.  Whatever... we have candles and camping lanterns and flashlights.  We'll survive.  (I didn't think about the completely full washer and partially run dryer until later)

Then the hail started...

And we aren't talking about normal hail... we are talking about 1/4" hail that made me thankful for a garage to house our stuff and made me understand why my plants look so sad today.

It kept up this crazy monsoon for about 45 minutes.  Lucy hated her life... Gus was completely fine with running around without a care in the world.  Major lightening? Loud thunder? Heavy hail balls falling on our roof?  Lucy wouldn't leave Aaron's side and Gus was all "Oh look, a bone, let's play!"

Then the flooding happened...

These pictures were taken after the "event".  After we knew our house wouldn't flood.  The water was rising very quickly in our backyard to meet the porch... I was concerned.  We had contingency plans to throw towels and dog beds at the back door to stop water if it got that high.  Welcome to Arizona monsoons (that come early...)

No worries though... the rain stopped and the power came back on at about 11:30.  We were already asleep and the house had gotten hot enough to wake up a very fuzzy Gus (it was 75 and he is spoiled with air conditioning since we have to keep the brewing beer below 72).  Aaron was concerned about his beer getting too hot, I was concerned about our dogs getting to hot.  Priorities.

Back to normal today... with loads of laundry to re-wash.  Hooray.

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