Also, we took care of Lucy. Aaron introduced her to the pool, which was NOT her favorite activity. She sat quietly in it for .5 seconds before sprinting back to the comfort of the futon... and therefore, soaking the entire things beyond usability for the next hour. I don't think she's going to be much of a water dog. Next, we clipped her nails. Let me tell you, if you ever need to wrangle a wild animal, do not call me. For some reason (we think because it had been awhile?), she was adamant that this task be made as complicated as possible. She would not sit still for anything - even Pupperoni. Hence, I ended up laying on her and constricting her other 3 limbs and head, while Aaron restrained the one paw that he was working on. Luckily, he is rather speedy and her torture was swiftly completed. Then we took her for a walk... which she also is not a huge fan of (we got the tolerant dog, can you tell? But she's my favorite!). She doesn't mind the walking part. It's mostly just the getting-into-the-harness-and-leaving-the-house part. We capped off her night of horror by giving her a bath. Needless to say, she slept like a rock and I had to wake her up to feed her this morning before work. But she's clean and exercised and groomed!
It was a very relaxed day and I enjoyed spending some quality time with Aaron. We tend to have a lot of people over for cook-outs and such and it was nice to just hang out. Especially after the events of the Beer Fest that made the entire rest of the weekend rather vague. We also planned a camping trip for this weekend (Lucy's first overnight outdoor excursion - wish us luck)!
Now if only Game of Thrones would cooperate and stop killing off people I like - and if they won't do that, they at least need to tone it down so I don't have to close my eyes. I'm a wimp.
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