March 23, 2015

My Life is Shorter Due to UK Basketball

This weekend marked the beginning of my anxiety.  Watching Kentucky play in the NCAA tournament is ALWAYS difficult for me.  Unless we are winning by 20, I am nervous.  I don't really yell at the TV (though sometimes it does happen).  Mostly, I just sit tense and still and stare at the game.  I'm almost certain that every game that we play that is NOT a complete slaughter takes about 2 years off of my life from the stress.  If I die early, they are to blame.  Luckily, we beat Hampton by a lot, so that game allowed me to relax.  Cincinnati was a different story.  We watched the game with a friend and UK alum.  We agreed that, while we were winning by quite a bit, it didn't feel like it... so I was nervous.

I was even all decked out in my UK gear for the games!

But we made it through this weekend!  We are 36-0!  And we are playing WVU on Thursday WAY past my bedtime.  Why is UK always the after 9pm game?  It's mean and it makes Friday's hard to wake up for.  PLUS, my boss is a WVU fan, so one of us will be unhappy on Friday.  Let's hope it's him.  Sorry Mike.

On a completely different note... in between games, I made a wreath!  Our home was in need of some spring-time decorations and Pintrest is full of springtime crafts!  So I jumped on the crafting bandwagon.  I think it turned out really well!

 Happy Spring and Go Cats!

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