February 17, 2015

Valentine's Weekend

This past week, I traveled back to AZ for work.  It was nice to get to see people (and enjoy the warmer weather), but the time change and the long flights make for an exhausting week... not to mention 3 days of all-day meetings.  Needless to say, Friday night needed to be relaxing.  We watched The Lone Survivor and snuggled with the pups.  Apparently they missed me at least a little bit since they both ended up sitting on me while we watched the movie.  Gus thinks he's a lap-dog...

The movie was surprisingly good (I'd never even heard of it before).  A little gory and a lot depressing, but really well done.

Saturday rolled around with nothing on our schedule except a nice Valentine's dinner.  Aaron and I don't really do gifts and such on Valentine's Day, but he's sweet and bought me flowers and a teddy bear!

We tried to go to the winery, but it was packed... so we went down to Middletown to try out Backroom Brewery.  We'd never been but one of our coworkers found it and thought that we would enjoy it.  It was cute and cozy and had delicious brews!

We went to dinner that evening while the rest of Winchester got hit with a winter storm.  We tried to take the highway to dinner and Aaron was sliding a little, so we had to slow down, take a different route and we were late for our reservation.  The restaurant didn't mind and we still got to enjoy a nice Valentine's dinner (complete with delicious pink cocktails for me and some incredible red velvet cheesecake!).

On the way home, we sat in 45 minutes of traffic (for a 15 minute trip) because of weather-related accidents.  It didn't really snow that much, but it all melted and then froze to the roads.  No fun.  We also watched some more movies.  The Hundred Foot Journey was cute!  John Wick started off with the bad guys killing a puppy and I was NOT okay with it.  So I fell asleep on the floor with our puppies while Aaron watched Keanu Reeves get revenge for his puppy.  He said that the movie was good, but I was way too tired to care...

On Sunday, we went to the winery!  Sunday was much less hectic there and we got to enjoy some delicious wine and chocolates!

We ended the night with MORE movies.  Redbox is the best.  The Maze Runner was surprisingly good!  Predisposition was good too, but weird.

This past weekend was the perfect recovery from a long week of traveling.  We did some fun activities; but really, we did a lot of this...

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