We got everything arranged REALLY quickly. As in, we were told to shoot for the end of Sept. and somehow managed to get the moving company and relocation company to cooperate. So our house is currently full of boxes, both empty and full, and not so full of food as we try to purge the last remaining bits before leaving. The disorganization is killing me. I just want to clean and organize. And the thought of living out of a suitcase for a month? Not so appealing. But.... it will get us back to the east coast and into jobs that we are both excited for... so this is a good thing. It's just a stressful good thing.
House Hunting:
Aaron somehow managed to talk me into going on a house hunting trip a few weekends ago. He had this spontaneous idea on Tuesday and wanted to leave on Friday night. ANOTHER stressful scenario. It all got arranged really quickly and Sam willingly agreed to puppy-sit for us so that they could "spend time with Uncle Sam before they leave" (his words, not mine). Sam also tried to convert Gus to a Philly Eagles fan. Lucy was smart enough to run into her crate, but Gus looked like this for a while:
When we got back, Aaron had a stern talking to with Gus about the Redskins and how he should not be tricked into supporting the other team. Gus was less than concerned.
Anyway.... off we went in search of the most expensive thing we will ever purchase. It went really well. We saw a handful of houses on Saturday and we were pretty convinced that this one foreclosure was a good fit for us. We planned to visit it again on Sunday and headed back to the hotel. I didn't sleep that night. I decided it was NOT the right house. Sunday rolled around and we saw a few more houses and then went back to the foreclosure. Luckily, one of the first houses we saw was PERFECT. It just needs a fence and the price was lower than our budget so that we could afford a fence! We put in an offer on Monday...
And, after a few negotiations, it was accepted on Wednesday and we are now working on closing on our first house!!!!!!
They are as cute as ever! See for yourself!
Disregard Lucy's crazy face... they were munching on bones. Snacking is WAY more important than posing for the camera. |
Aaron has taken to inviting them up onto his chair on a regular basis now. It's cute, but they've laid claim to that spot now too. |
Gus thinks it's his chair. Lucy doesn't really like the rocking... she still prefers the couch. |
And sometimes there is not much space on our furniture for us. Whoops. |
And in the midst of all of this change, there is beer. Aaron's pumpkin beer was bottled a few weeks ago and we got to taste it this past week. It's delicious!
This is his "not to shabby" face... |
So the posting may be rather infrequent until this all settles down. Wish us luck with the move!